The Digital Temperature Controller (DTC) senses the oil preheat temperature for two control levels: interlock (to assure the oil is at optimal combustion temperature and the high temperature which maintains that temperature within a few degrees. The DTC replaced the bi-metal sensors and provides the advantages of having solid state circuitry that is not sensitive to corrosion and sticking of points or the ash from the furnace. The DTC provides a LED read-out showing the current temperature and the set-points which can be easily changed to accommodate heavy oil, synthetic or vegetable based oil that require a higher preheat temperature. The preheater can also be lowered to apply low temperature for enhancing even fuel oil to burn better, or it can be turned off completely. The DTC work with the Temperature Probe Sensor, SKU 20163.
INOV8 will install this DTC during burner reconditioning or will send a kit with instructions for those with machining capabilities.